

We are pleased to announce the Kavli galaxy black-hole workshop, jointly hosted by Kavli IPMU and KIAA, on furthering our understanding of galaxy and black hole evolution. This will be held at Kavli-IPMU, located in the serene suburbs of Tokyo during the week of June 3rd to 7th, 2024.

The scientific focus is the resolved investigation of stars and gas within galaxies to understand the growth of bulges and their supermassive black holes across the high-z universe. We aim to exploit this new era with both JWST and ALMA achieving unparalleled resolution and depth.

Furthermore, as the quality of data increases, so does the complexity of the associated endeavors. With galaxies no longer being simple continuous structures and rather featuring a high degree of detectable substructures, we constantly require a revision of our understanding of galaxy morphology. With greater depths, we also gain access to early epochs of black hole evolution which needs to fit into the larger picture of galaxy evolution.

This workshop will bring together people with a goal of forming potentially new collaborative efforts. We discuss building the next generation of analysis tools and paving the way for future resolved studies of galaxies and their black holes at high-z.



Schedule (June 3 - 7)


John Silverman (Kavli IPMU)
Boris Kalita (Kavli IPMU)
Luis Ho (KIAA)
Si-Yue (Kavli IPMU)

John Silverman (Kavli IPMU)
Boris Kalita (Kavli IPMU)
Si-Yue (Kavli IPMU)
Takumi Tanaka (Kavli IPMU)
Zhaoxuan Liu (Kavli IPMU)